The company specializes in the construction of elastic acrylic courts, basketball courts, badminton courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, sports venues
Elastic acrylic
Basic requirements: asphalt foundation/cement foundation
Material: black particles, Acrylic emulsion, waterproof glue.
Usage effects: moderate cost, moderate ball speed, high air permeability, excellent heat resistance, cold resistance, aging resistance, corrosion resistance and UV resistance.
Color performance: bright colors
Maintenance and management: No need for regular maintenance.
Environmental protection: Highly environmentally friendly after national inspection
Features of elastic acrylic: The elastic acrylic court is made of high strength, moderate elasticity, strong UV resistance, water-based, non-toxic, truly non-toxic and can be constructed directly on concrete or asphalt foundations. Delamination, no cracks, no glare, can effectively reduce light reflection.
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Professional stadium construction, elastic acrylic stadium, stadium sports venue design and construction